Hola fam! Aqui andamos con GOZO en Coatepeque!!
So I always try and eat healthy snacks here in GUAT so I have started eating celery. I usually eat it on the go or right after finishing a lesson. And EVERYTIME I pull my celery out they look at me like im CRAZY and they are all like WHAT IS THAT??? hahaha They eat celery here but NEVER straight celery. It has to be in chow mien or something for them to eat it. Everytime they ask me what it is I ask if they want to try it! And about 75% say no but the other 25% say yes and they almost THROWUP while GAGGING on the celery ahahahha. They think im crazy to eat celery with peanut butter hahaa
So this week we had the primary program. It is when all the little kids under the age of 11 sing hymns in front of everyone a church! They sing hymns and give mini speeches or testimonys. One of the little girls got up and gave a heart felt testimony and to end she said "I know the catholic books are true" HAHAHAAHAH we were all like WHY did she just say that??? haha It was super funny cause she said it without ANY doubts!!! #GUATCONFESION
So there is another hurricane passing through the west coast of GUAT so we have been suffering a little bit. Its name is HURRICANE OLGA hahaha
This week we were walking in down town PAJAPITA which has a huge market. So as we were walking they pulled RAW COW MEAT out of the back of a pick up and it was like HUGE it had to have been half of the cow. He pulled it out of the truck and put it on his back to carry it but he was so short that the raw BLOODY meat was dragging on the ground. I just stood in shock thinking about how thats the meat I eat in lunch every day hahaha #GUATcleaniness
It is SO sad cause there are no tuk tuks here in coatepeque!! So we have take little vans. THEY ARE CRAZY cause they try and fit as many people as possible. I ended up standing in one the whole ride. I couldnt even stand up straight I had to bend my neck at a 180 degree angle the whole way and everytime they stopped SUPER fast and out of nowhere I would fall. It was HORRIBLE hahaha but at least the people got a good laugh of a tall gringa falling in a bus haha
Here in coatepeque it is hard to find new people to teach so we have been knocking a lot of doors to find new people. We had been rejected a lot this day and we decided to knock one more door and he told us we could come in! ahaha I was super surprised cause literally no one was letting us in their house that day! When I walked in a saw their HUGE banner of the Jehovahs witnesses and i was like OHHHH boy. He basically let us in cause he wanted to convince us that his church was better than ours haha we dished up straight doctrine from the bible which got him super mad lol.
This week I had my very LAST mission leadership council!!! Time is flying by.
I gained a stronger testimony this week that god answers prayers. We went to the most dangerous part of our area this week. It is called chuatuj. It is dangerous because all of the gangsters from the capital go there to hide from the police. But anyways we went with a family that are members of the church. We went there an hour before lunch time. And we didnt have lunch that day cause there wasnt a lot of money or food in our house. So we just prayed in the morning that the lord would provide. When we finished the appointment with the family we were about to leave and then she said, "now you guys can stay for lunch!" It was such a miracle and I was so grateful for the humble lunch she gave us. God always blesses His children! Many times it will be by means of other people. May we all look for ways to serve our neighbor and answer prayers like heavenly messengers would do.
Con Amor,
Hermana Salisbury
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