Thursday, August 29, 2019

Week 58: The Prophet came to GUAT!!


Straight up everyone has been rejecting us. I have gotten to the point where I have to say I LOVE REJECTION before knocking a door hahaha  I always start SOO happy and by the end they make up some huge lie. They always say, OHH well I'm NEVER home, even though they are stay at home moms haha Or they say they are ALWAYS at church and never at home. SO then we just invite them to church and offer service. Legit just kill em with kindness. On the bright side we have a baptism this weekend yayyy!

We brought a future missionary out to visit with us and while we were knocking doors he legit was picking daisy in the field by the houses hahaha I was like so confused cause he needs to learn how to be a missionary but he got so distracted hahaha Like the investigators would be like who is this kid picking the flowers in my front yard hahah I felt like I was babysitting. 

SO we had lunch with a REALLY nice lady this Sunday. We all sat down and every member of the family had started eating and we wanted to start but they didnt give us utensils hahaha So we sat there for a sec trying to see if they would offer, and they didn't haha So you can guess what we did!! I ate a super yummy Sunday dinner with my fingers!!!!! Mashed potatoes, rice, chicken and gravy hahaha I feel like I'm on a camping trip that never ends. 

So Russell M Nelson came to Guatemala city! The city is at least 6 hours away in bus so we couldnt go BUT we got to watch it live. The prophet spoke to us in PERF SPANISH! He is so pilas! We started out his talk by saying, brothers and sisters my message tonight is very simple, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS. It really hit me cause it is such a simple concept that we can always improve on. The simple phrase is, If you love me keep my commandments, I know that our love for the savior with pull us onward and upward toward our eternal goals. 

Con amor, 
Hermana Salisbury  


  1. I love that the prophet spoke on obedience to the saints there. This reminded me of something I highlighted in my Spanish scriptures. If you look up GOZO (joy) in the guide to study the scriptures in the back of the Spanish triple combination you'll see the first word is Obediencia (obedience). It really is that simple. If you keep the commandments, you'll experience the most joy in this life.

  2. Why didn't you politely ask for utensils to use?
